Black-rimmed eye glasses on top of black and white striped binder on top of closed, black book, in front of window. Caption reads: Sometimes, you just have to look for stuff. Black-Owned Businesses Family-Owned Business I Don't Care What You Got Ta Say About It Small Business Woman-Owned Business 

Black-Owned Goodies

So, I was all ready to post about yesterday’s jog, when it occurred to me that because it’s spending season, I should help route dollars to folks who may need them the most, instead of yammering on about yesterday’s whimsy and rain. To that end,  I’ll share a bit about my patronage of  the following businesses:

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Art Bay Area I Don't Care What You Got Ta Say About It Inspiration Movies 

Hot Cinema

I missed Miles. I missed the Obama date. I missed somethin’ else I can’t remember, but I won’t miss these.

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Bay Area I Don't Care What You Got Ta Say About It 

Parking with You

In case you don’t know, Southside with You hit theaters this Friday past. I forgot. Until last night, at about 8 PM, I hadn’t remembered. In the Kenishasphere, the last-minute date thing is a no-go; I try to avoid lone, post-dusk traipsing, too. Needless to say, I haven’t seen the movie, so I have nothing substantial to report about it, and because contributing to the SWY brain trust is a non-option, I’m gonna do the next best thing: build synthesis between the film’s subjects and my intended post. So, here we go. SWY chronicles the…

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