Black-Owned Businesses Business Reviews 

Grocery Store Review – Mandela Grocery Coop

Not once in 2020 did I darken the door of this black-owned grocery store. I think living in the Age of COVID-19 just threw me off-track, but I’m ready to refocus, and poppin’ into one of my favorite stores was a good way to start.

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Business Reviews 

First Impressions: Power Your Launch Marketing Accelerator

No, I’m not goin’ anywhere, and I probably won’t eat for a few more hours, either. I’m so taken with having gotten into #PowerYourLaunch (an ostensibly well-worth-it marketing program) that I’m consumed with succeeding. I joined yesterday, and I haven’t been able to focus on much else, since.

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Art Black-Owned Businesses Business Reviews 

Product Review: Art Frame @ Captured Images Custom Framing

A week or so before my birthday, I’d decided to frame the lone piece of art I’d owned so that I could hang it on the wall. The piece is just a lithograph, but it’s my lithograph, and I didn’t want it rolled-up in the cardboard tube in which it had been shipped. I wanted to look at it, everyday, but I wanted to make sure it’d be protected. In comes Captured Images Custom Framing.

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Black-Owned Businesses Business Reviews Small Business 

Product Review: Shortbread Cookies

As had been my custom for about a year, I stopped at the Red Bay cart to get a sweet fix. Instead of getting my usual muffin, peanut butter cookie, or kugle-whatever, I decided to try one of the packages of cookies that I’d always seen posted up near the ordering window, callin’ to me like Darius’ you-know-what was callin’ to Nina. I’m glad I listened.

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Bay Area Black-Owned Businesses Business Reviews Small Business 

Product Review: Pucker Up Lemon Cheesecake by Crumble & Whisk Patisserie

Sooooo, it was Sunday, and I wanted cheesecake. I could’ve walked to my local supermarket and bought a not-so-tasty one, produced by a popular international chain, but I wanted something more substantial. I performed an online search for cheesecakes in Oakland, and up popped Crumble & Whisk.

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