Killing Your Nerves, Calling Your Senators, IxNaying the Jeff SessionsNay
Contact your senators to oppose Jeff Sessions’ Attorney General installation.
The idea of calling these important folks makes some of us nervous or fearful. I get it. I’ve been there. In fact, I’m still nervous when calling politicians’ offices, but I suck it up and do I it. Now, I’m askin’ YOU to suck it up and do it.
Don’t know much about Sessions? Do a little research. Some of you share his impractical stance on reproductive and gay rights, but I’m sure his abhorrence of voting rights will hit you where it hurts. If your ass is one of color, he’s done a bit in the way of preventing you from voting. Don’t believe me? Look it up.
Use the following steps to help you out.
1. Practice what you’re going to say. You can use specific reasons, or you can say something as simple as:
“Hi. I’m calling from (name of city)_____________, and I want to ask Senator (name of senator)___________________ to vote No on Sessions for Attorney General.”
2. Locate your Senator. If you don’t know which of your senators are responsible for voting, contact both of them. Use the following link. Select your state, and your senators’ contact information will appear.

3. Pick up the phone, and dial the number. Your heart may start beating quickly, but I want you to ride it out.
4. When the phone is answered, or the voicemail picks-up, recite or read the line you’ve practiced. If you start stammering, don’t worry too much. Just know that the folks on the other end are expecting some resistance. They should, also, realize that if you didn’t pay taxes, they wouldn’t have phones to answer, in the first damn place.
5. You may be asked for your zip code. Give it to ’em.
You’re done! You survived this call.
You’ve done your deed for the hour. Soak it up. Feel yourself. Get ready for the next one.