
Nike Nothin’


It can be a pain, that doubt thing.

When I first decided to go into business for myself, I was busy planning, busy thinking, busy getting things together, busy being busy.  A lot of time was spent being the latter, so that I could justify my impending failure.


I doubted that people would take me, a sometimes light-hearted black woman with a too often worn bright smile, seriously as an independent teacher. I doubted that people would trust this black woman with their children’s academic-and by extension, economic-futures. Until I re-committed to seeing a therapist, doubt and all other manner of negative self-talk ruled me.

Well, one year later, my profits increased. Two years later, my profits are set to double what they were when I began working with my therapist; Fill Me In English Language Services is doin’ just fine. We ain’t ballin’, but we all right.

Eventually, I may share a bit more about the adventures of this doubter and the therapist who helped her get herself together. For now, though, if you’re stuck, and all the same yackety yack you spout to your friends (who are probably also stuck yackety yackers) isn’t helping, consider seeing a trained professional to help get you pointed in the right direction. Find somebody to effectively help you deal with doubt.

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